Vilnius co-living space | SHED Co-living


Stylish brand new living and
co-working spaces for students and young professionals

Flexible rental options for any length of stay
Sākot no
479 € /mēnesī
Sākot no
20 € /naktī

Fully Furnished Rooms Santaru str. 3,

Have Questions?

Contact us!

Contact us and we will be happy to get the answers for you!

Tepat blakus Santaros Str. 3, Viļņa, Lietuva

What Our Shed Residents Say

Leena Hautamäki

Resident of SHED Riga

I would like to thank you for the very comfortable staying that I have experienced in SHED Co-living! Especially, I really like the peaceful and beautiful environment. That is why I would be interested to live in SHED also after ten months, so I want to prolong the rent time.

Shed Co-living Group general manager
Shed Co-living Group general manager


Resident of SHED Riga

For a monthly rent equal to that of a tiny apartment somewhere in the outskirts of the Riga center, you get a very ergonomic, well-equipped room with a private kitchen and WC, in a co-living complex situated in a beautiful green area of the city, with the Old Town peeking right from across the river. The modern and carefully designed spaces include a big-enough gym, as well as many other beautiful common areas.

Shed Co-living Group general manager
Shed Co-living Group general manager

Eko Hunter

Resident of SHED Riga

I have been living in SHED Co-Living for the past few months, and it has been an amazing experience. The staff here is extremely friendly and helpful, always willing to go the extra mile to make sure all of us residents are comfortable and taken care of.

Shed Co-living Group general manager
Shed Co-living Group general manager

Caroline T.

Resident of SHED Riga

A great place to stay for your first years of study. I am overall really confident with how the administration handled problems, and all of the staff were always welcoming, which I appreciated. Good location too if you study at RSU, as the tram is only 10 minutes away.

Shed Co-living Group general manager
Shed Co-living Group general manager

Adrian Berger

Resident of SHED Riga

I can only thank the SHED Riga team.
Not only was the room booking process and support fantastic, but the team was willing to address my personal situation. The rooms are modern, and the location is well connected to the city, especially as a student.

Shed Co-living Riga administrator
Shed Co-living Riga administrator

The Legend

What is SHED Co-living Vilnius? Actually, we don’t like using cheesy quotes to make us sound more worldly, but this one truly strikes an important chord for us – “Every next level of your life will demand a different you.“

Thus, SHED is a safe space, built for creation. Whether it’s new relationships, new goals, new startup ideas, or even a completely new you – we wanted to create a space that celebrates change.

But don’t get it twisted. SHED is not a tiny hut to hide the stuff you don’t need anymore. SHED is a place that launches you into a new part of your life and helps you shed what’s no longer benefiting your journey. You know, like the 🚀s that shed their parts as they soar into space.

SHED is an invitation to live the life your future self will be proud of, the life surrounded by different cultures and inspiring people from all over the 🌎. Being the only co-living space that actually values self-expression and personal growth means that we not only meet your needs of comfort and security but also provide a modern co-living and co-working space in Vilnius for new experiences, exciting conversations and countless new activities. All under one sometimes a bit eccentric but never boring roof.

Start your new journey in a completely new and exciting co-living and co-working place in Vilnius – the heart of Lithuania.

Shed your
old self and
meet the
new you


Neliela, vienkārša mājiņa pagalmā, kurā glabā darbarīkus vai dārza inventāru. SHED nozīmē "būdiņa" un, iespējams, nāk no vārda "ēna".

(darbības vārds)

Shed ir arī darbības vārds, kas nozīmē "nomest", piemēram, kad čūska nomet ādu... Pārnestā nozīmē, katrs var nomest lieko, piemēram, sliktos ieradumus.

© 2022 SHED Co-living. Visas tiesības aizsargātas. / Privātuma politika / Noteikumi & Nosacījumi / Noteikumi / Detaļas